Medicare-Non Covered Mileage

Link to Medicare Claims Processing Manual - Chapter 15: Ambulance - Page 43:

30.2.4 - Non-covered Charges on Institutional Ambulance Claims (Rev. 1921, Issued: 02-19-10, Effective: 04-01-10, Implementation: 04-05-10) 

Medicare law contains a restriction that miles beyond the closest available facility cannot be billed to Medicare. Non-covered miles beyond the closest facility are billed with HCPCS procedure code A0888 (“non-covered ambulance mileage per mile, e.g., for miles traveled beyond the closest appropriate facility”). These non-covered line items can be billed on claims also containing covered charges. Ambulance claims may use the -GY modifier on line items for such non-covered mileage, and liability for the service will be assigned correctly to the beneficiary.

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